Belize's Great Blue Hole

great hole belize
Surely you've heard of it on occasion, but as you most likely know little more than its location, today we want to give you all the details. We are referring to Great Blue Hole of Belize, a hole that is more than 300 meters wide and 123 meters deep.

This phenomenon of nature is near the center of the reef Ligthhouse, an atoll located 100 kilometers from the continental coast, in the Caribbean. Do you want to know more about this impressive hole in the middle of the ocean?

Formed after the glaciation

Apparently during the last period glacierWhen the sea levels were much lower, the hole was a system of limestone caves found on Earth's surface. However, one 12,000 years ago, when the glaciation ended, the caves were flooded and the roof finally collapsed. Today it is the largest phenomenon in the world of its kind and, therefore, it has been considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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A paradise for diving lovers

As you can imagine, the Great Blue Hole of Belize is a paradise for divers, both for the environment and for the species, sponges and corals what's inside. Among some of the most outstanding species are the mere giants, the nurse sharks, the Caribbean reef shark, the bull shark or the hammerhead shark.

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Color difference

It is not necessary to dive to verify that there is a huge hole in this place. And it is that if you look from the air, its dense blue color denotes the presence of a large depth, especially if it is contrasted with the turquoise blue water around it.

What's At The Bottom Of The Great Blue Hole? (April 2024)

  • Belize
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