Tourist train of the Ruta de los Faros, in Galicia

Galicia is a land of contrasts, with thousands of treasures to discover. If you plan to go there this summer to get to know this wonderful part of the Spanish geography, surely you will not regret it. To the spectacular scenery you will find, you will have to add an interesting ancient culture, monuments worth visiting and a gastronomy Excellent. All of them powerful reasons to travel to Galicia.

And to know the North Coast Galician, today I bring you a proposal that you will like. It's about doing the Lighthouses Route by train. On a tourist train, of course, that travels from Ferrol to Ribadeo visiting some of the most beautiful lighthouses in Galicia.

An experience to enjoy

The tourist train of the Ruta de los Faros runs along Galician routes during alternate weekends Until 15 September. If you take it, you will be able to visit the north Galician coast and discover some of the most impressive views in Spain.

From Ferrol to Ribadeo, the train makes some strategic stops to see the most beautiful lighthouses in the area, such as the Cape Ortegal, which looks out over its impressive rock cliffs. Or the one of the Cape Stake of Bars, point where the Atlantic and the Cantabrian meet. You will also visit, if you get on the train, the Vixía Herbeira viewpoint, San Andrés de Teixido, the Illes lighthouse and the Las Catedrales beach.

The passage of the train of the Route of the Lighthouses will give you the right to enjoy a service of tour guide throughout the tour so you can get to know the wonders of the area well. The adult ticket, for the longest route (there are two routes to choose from) costs 40 euros. The children's ticket with 10 euros. More information on the phone 902 320 320.

Discover Galicia - Rias Altas (September 2024)

  • coast, lighthouses, Galicia, nature, trains
  • 1,230