There is no doubt that NY It is one of the most important cities in the world, and a favorite of many travelers when you ask them where in the world they would like to travel. There are plenty of spectacular places to visit and lots of activities to do, so you can be from one place to another discovering different worlds in the same city.
Among the many places you can visit highlights the New York Aquarium, a perfect visit especially if you like animals or if you travel with children, although if none of them is your case, it will also be worth it. There are thousands of fish in your natural habitat, which is fantastic since in this type of place it is best to see that the animals are in their proper environment. This aquarium is one of the most visited attractions in New York when traveling with children.
More than 8,000 copies
It is in a fantastic environment, on the shores of Coney island, where it was moved in 1957 since Clinton Castle was made small, which is where it opened in 1896. It is the oldest aquarium in the United States and in it you can find more than 8,000 specimens of different marine species that come from everyone, like penguins, sharks, fish, walruses, dolphins, eels ...
In some of the pools or tanks you have the possibility of touch the animals, always under the supervision of a worker so you know how to do it. Talks, exhibitions and various events are also organized throughout the year. Among the exhibitions there is one of jellyfish, where you can discover everything about this marine species thanks to seeing all its species, their habitat and all kinds of information about them.
The New York Aquarium has different hours in winter and in summer. The summer season runs from May 26 to September 3 and is open from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and on weekends and holidays it is open until 7:00 p.m. The opening hours It is the same all year, but the closing one is different. In autumn at 5:00 p.m., in winter at 4:30 p.m. and in spring at 5:00 p.m. Admission is $ 14.95 for adults and $ 10.95 for children ages 3-12, children under 3 are free.
New York Aquarium Walkthrough Tour NY Coney Island NYC Reef and new Shark Exhibit (October 2024)
- aquariums, New York
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