In Castilla y León You have many very nice places to visit. In this case I will recommend you Palencia, and more specifically, the Palencia Cathedral, a very special place that you can discover and that is called Catedral de San Antolín. Gothic in style, it also has some Baroque, Neoclassical and Renaissance touches. It was the first monument to be declared a National Monument in Palencia. Despite being one of the most unknown in the country, its measures make it one of the largest cathedrals of Spain.
The scarcity of its main façade does not reflect the greatness of its interior, which has more than twenty chapels of great artistic and historical interest. More of fourteen centuries It took time to build it, but the work has certainly been worth it. Five doors are distributed on the three facades, all of them with the great sobriety and nudity that characterize this Cathedral.
On the south side between two doors is Tower, military-looking, while the Cloister goes completely unnoticed by a completely smooth wall that only has an exterior door, the western facade has a small chapel next to it that protrudes from the building and the upper part is closed by a front whose center has a small rosette.
In this cathedral of Palencia there is something reminiscent of that of León, such as its head, which turns out to be the oldest part and which is in the French Gothic style. The play of light and volume provided by the stained glass windows, in poor condition, enrich the decoration of the moldings. From the outside it can leave you a little dry because it is nothing spectacular, but the interior makes up for it, so visit the Cathedral of Palencia because it will definitely be worth it. If you are also one of those who likes architecture you will be in front of a great historical work that is a must if you are going to travel to Palencia.
Palencia (September 2024)
- cathedrals, Palencia
- 1,230