The Huacachina Oasis

This splendid oasis is not a product of the imagination. It exists and it is real. If you were walking through the desert and suddenly a place like this appeared in the distance, you might think that you are being a victim of hot and of the dehydration. That what you see is a mirage. But it's not like that. If someday you would walk by him Peruvian desert, you must know that you are not dreaming.

About five kilometers west of Ica, a city of Peru, is the immense Huacachica lagoon. A real natural oasis among so much white desert sand. The color of its waters, emerald green, are part of its beauty. These waters appeared thanks to the outcrop of the various underground currents in the area. Along its entire shore, a abundant vegetation. Eucalyptus, palm trees, or huarangos -vegetation typical of the area- are located around the lagoon, giving a touch of color in the vastness of the desert. This vegetation also serves as a rest for all migratory birds that cross Peruvian skies.

Everything together make the Huacachina Oasis one of the most beautiful places on the Peruvian coast. Formerly, its waters were rich in sulfurous and saline substances, for which reason they were considered waters with healing power. This, added to its beauty and the warm climate of the area, unchanged throughout the year, made Huacachina become one of the Peruvian spas more exclusive and important.

Today some of the hotels that were built at the time due to this importance that was given to the place remain standing. But although the years have passed and the place has been neglected by the authorities, the spa still maintains several of the benefits of the moment.

Peru's Incredible Adrenaline Oasis! | Huacachina (April 2024)

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