The tea ceremony in Japan

It's funny but this Japanese ceremony has its roots in China. He came to Japan from the hand of a monk who had been on a trip to China. So this ceremony It began to spread among all the monks and now if you visit Japan you must know what their tea ceremony is like. There are four elements basic in Chado. They are: wa, kei, sei and jaku.

Wa: represents harmony
Kei: represents respect
Sei: represents purity
Jaku: represents tranquility

Also, there are several types of tea ceremonies:

Wa-kei-sei-jaku: This is the basic Chado ceremony.

Ichi-go-ichi-e: It is a tea ceremony in which a meeting with someone occurs for the first time.

It is: ceremony in which freedom, equality and non-discrimination are represented.

Mu: This type of ceremony is characterized by trying to rationally group all the objects and ideas in the world, even if they seem contradictory.

Shu-jin-kou: truthfulness represents oneself.

Kitsu-sa-ko: A cup of tea should be provided to anyone who wants one. It must be shared.

A formal tea party is called Syougo-no-chaji. This event can last up to four hours. Each movement in the ceremony has its own rules and each guest has a role to play.

Teisyu: host
Syou-kyaku: a guest in the highest state
Otsume: a guest in the lowest state

茶道 - Japanese Tea Ceremony - (April 2024)

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