A walk through Harvard University

The Harvard university It is located in Cambridge (Massachusetts) and is the oldest and most prestigious institution of higher education of the U.S. It was founded in 1636 and currently its library It contains more than 15 million registered books.

Harvard has an average population students close to 6,650 first-cycle students and some 13,000 graduate students, the place of study of the best businessmen and mathematics in the world, since nearly 43 Nobel prizes and 7 US presidents have passed through one of their faculties and schools.

Currently, the Distance University of Madrid (UDIMA) has organized the First Competition of University anecdotes. This event invites applicants to videotape themselves recounting any funny or curious anecdote lived during their student stage. For this you must upload the video to YouTube and fill out the form. The winner will get a trip to Boston and visit Harvard University with accommodation and flight costs included.

A 4K Tour of Harvard University (April 2024)

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