Recommended vaccinations for traveling to Thailand

Thailand vaccine
Few destinations in the world offer the traveler as much diversity as Thailand. And it is that in this exotic country you can enjoy paradisiacal beaches, lush mountains, bustling cities, excellent cuisine, incredible markets, ancient and modern temples, a wide range of nightlife ... In addition, it is an excellent destination for travelers of all economic levels, be it backpackers or foodies tourists.

If you plan to travel to Thailand soon, you should take the necessary precautions to minimize health risks. So at Hard Hobbit To Break we want to talk to you about vaccines recommended for traveling to this Asian country. Do you want to join us?

Yellow fever vaccine

There is only one compulsory vaccine to travel to Thailand. It is the yellow fever vaccine, although it is only necessary if you have recently traveled to risky territory. And, although many people believe that this disease is present in this country, the truth is that the compulsory of the vaccine is so that yellow fever does not enter Thailand.

Typhoid vaccine

Although, as we have just mentioned, there is no compulsory vaccine to enter Thailand, it is recommended to have a tetheroid vaccine, especially if you plan to travel outside the tourist circuits or if the stay is going to be long. In addition, it is advisable if you are going to visit small cities, rural areas or towns, especially if you are going to follow the same living conditions as the locals. Of course, if you are going to be in Thailand less than 15 days and you are not going to leave the tours tourist usual you do not need to wear it. Even so, you will have to be careful with water and food, since this disease is associated with low hygienic conditions in the preparation and handling of food, in the control of water quality and in the non-control of wastewater .

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Other recommended vaccines

In addition to the yellow fever and typhoid vaccine, tetanus and hepatitis A and B vaccines are recommended. Of course, some of these vaccines, such as tetanus, are recommended even in our own country. In fact, according to the Ministry of Health, this vaccine is recommended to all travelers, regardless of destination, since it is a disease world. The good news is that the vaccine is administered in all health centers.

Other precautions

Beyond vaccinations, you should bear in mind that during your trip to Thailand you will have to put in place other precautionary measures. For example, it is important for you to know that you are at risk for dengue, a disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Therefore, we recommend that you take measures against their bites with repellents and mosquito nets at bedtime. Also, it is important that you wear appropriate clothing. On the other hand, although the risk of contracting bird flu is minimal, it is recommended that you do not visit many markets with live animals, especially if they are farm species. In addition, it is very important that you immediately go to the doctor if you suffer a dog bite, since rabies is still present in this country.

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Finally, we want to warn you that there is a risk of malaria in rural areas throughout the country year-round, especially in hills and forests and near international borders. Of course, there is no risk in urban areas or in major tourist centers.

Traveling to Thailand: Health & Safety Tips (May 2024)

  • vaccines
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