Traveling to the Caribbean in hurricane season

In the last days, news has not stopped coming with the Hurricane Sandy As the protagonist, one of the most devastating hurricanes in recent years and which has already carried more than a hundred fatalities between the Caribbean and the United States. Considering that the Caribbean is one of the areas with the most hurricanes, it is important that you consider what to do if you plan a trip at that time.

It is clear that a hurricane is not a simple storm that you are used to in your country, especially if you live in Spain since here there are no hurricanes or anything that comes close to it. Hurricanes are dangerous, but you don't have to stop travel to the caribbean because there is a risk that one will form, as long as you bear in mind that you must take a series of measures to be prepared for it.

Hurricane season

Hurricane season coincides with low season, which is when it will be cheaper to travel to the Caribbean since there will be good weather anyway, except on days when there is a hurricane. It is important to keep in mind that the fact that it is a hurricane season does not mean that there will be hurricanes, simply that there is a risk that there will be. The hurricane season in the Caribbean runs from June 1 to November 30, although the most activity is usually between August and October.

Survival pack

So, the ideal thing if you are going to travel to the Caribbean in hurricane season is to become a survival pack so you can be safe and prevent something serious from happening to you. It is important that in this pack you have the most important telephone numbers, mainly that of the Spanish Embassy or Consulate in the city where you are going to be. You should also have an extra mobile battery, cash in case the power goes out and ATMs do not work, and clothing suitable for hurricane areas, such as boots or raincoats.

The theme of the food It is also important and you have to be proactive, although you do not need to buy too much unless there is an alert indicating that a hurricane will arrive soon. When choosing your trip in hurricane season, choose an area that is low risk since although the entire Caribbean is at risk, there are areas that are much less whipped than others. Finally, the ideal is that your flight is flexible so that, in case of high risk, you can return home as soon as possible or delay the trip in case you have to travel the day of the hurricane. Travel insurance is also very important to hire it.

Is travel to the tropics safe during hurricane season? (May 2024)

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