Gastronomy of Ireland

When I travel to any city, what I like the most is, in addition to visiting the most interesting places, being able to discover and taste the typical dishes, and that is that if it were up to me I would do a route around the world only to eat and see the four most famous monuments. Without a doubt, food is very important when we are traveling and, ideally, you should try the gastronomy of the place, that for fast food restaurants your city is already.

Today I would like to tell you about the Irish gastronomy And of all the delights that you can try if you are in any corner of this striking and beautiful country, which has a lot to offer not only at a landscape level but also in terms of culture and gastronomy. Take note of what you cannot stop eating if you are in Ireland:

Irish breakfast: Famous where there are, there is nothing better to start the day than a full breakfast where you will have a very special bread (cooked with butter and soda), potato cake, fried eggs, bacon, sausages and cooked tomato. An ideal combo plate to be strong all morning before you go to lunch.

Smoked salmon: One of the typical Irish dishes that you can find in any city. Salmon is served in a very simple and unaccompanied way since it is best to fully enjoy its delicious flavor.

Dublin Coddle Soup: It is usually taken at night and it is a soup that also contains sausages, bacon, ham, onions and potatoes. A most complete dish.

- Fresh Oysters: If you like seafood and oysters even more, it will undoubtedly be one of the dishes that you enjoy the most, since they are fresh oysters that are served on ice and are delicious. It is recommended to accompany it with an Irish beer to enjoy more of its flavor.

Irish Stew: It is the dish that most people eat in the country and it is a lamb stew that is seasoned with onion and parsley and covered with potatoes.

Lamb Chops: The typical thing in Ireland is to serve them with a jelly or mint cream, without a doubt one of the best chops that you will try in your life since the lamb is delicious there.

Mussel Soup: There it is called Moussel Soup and it is a fish cream that has fresh mussels, plus some vegetables and herbs. It is also accompanied by potatoes or a little bread.

Irish Food & What to Eat in Ireland - Visit Ireland (May 2024)

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