Knowing Angola

The African country of Angola It offers travelers an impressive vacation: coastline with immense beaches, a mountainous interior, deep ravines with large waterfalls, and a large number of national parks and reserves where you can enjoy nature in its purest form. If you decide to spend a few days there, it is best to enjoy true eco-tourism. Angola has resurfaced to become a popular destination for all lovers of adventure.

Lack of infrastructures It is surpassed by a great variety of terrain, landscapes, Portuguese architecture, its traditional culture, coffee plantations and a town that is friendly and hospitable. Angola was ruled for 400 years by Portugal until 1975. This is why both countries share many cultural aspects, including language and main roots. religious.

Although known as a nation in constant turmoil, Angola has overcome many obstacles to offer visitors such a special welcome that it will be impossible to forget them. The people of the area have become a true strong and resistant team that work hard to preserve the natural beauty of their country. Many buildings reflect the cultural contributions of Portuguese.

Some of the oldest churches are in the far north, where Congolese missionaries settled their camps. The traditional Portuguese buildings that we are talking about can be found all over Angola and are home to many museums, mosques and other important buildings, which offer additional information to the history from a country that still needs to be discovered by many.


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