Traveling by train in Italy

Train travel by Italy It is cheap compared to neighboring countries. But there is a problem: the main railway lines in Italy tend to have a large number of users and finding a seat at "rush hours" can become impossible. Here is a short list of the trains you will find in Italy:

- Eurostar (ES or Treni Eurostar Italia)
This is Italy's first-class train, not to be confused with the English Eurostar (Italian was the first to claim the name). Reserving a seat on this train is mandatory. This is characterized by traveling quickly between the main Italian cities.

- Intercity and Intercity Plus
These trains are relatively faster than long-distance trains. In them you can find "second class" service, which will allow you to move from one place to another more economically. They are generally less busy than the previous ones. You should also reserve your seat.

- Regional
These are what we know as commuter trains. They are usually used to go to work and school. They are cheap, but it is generally difficult to find a seat during the busiest hours. Many regional trains only have second class seats, but if you see that there is the possibility of traveling in first class, it is best to take a ticket.

In each station train you will find large panels that allow you to see train schedules and itineraries. Be sure to check out the "notes" column. Changes can be made to the schedules if there is a holiday or it is simply a weekend.

Traveling by Train in Italy - The Basics (May 2024)

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