Know Namibia

Looking northwest from South Africa You will find a wide multitude of open spaces, that is Namibia. The deserts that extend to the horizon, the broken mountain peaks, the flat plains of shining gravel will let your imagination soar to unexpected limits. In the national park of Etosha You will find unforgettable images that your camera can not stop capturing: impressive lions, large dry trees and crouching leopards.

Many countries of Africa they have an overflowing wildlife and populated landscapes, but few others, like Namibia, are characterized by their wide unpopulated horizons. The first sailors to arrive were the Portuguese in 1485, but they quickly left the desolate and dangerous Atlantic coast which they called «Coast of Death«. Following the arrival of the first missionaries and merchants, a colony was installed German in 1884.

After a bitter and bloody Bush war against SWAPO (South West African People's Organization), fighting for freedom, Namibia was devastated but finally got its independence on March 21, 1990. Although most of the previous colonial influences have disappeared, wherever you go you will find traces of the last castles and forts Germans. Also, and as a curiosity, you will find great influences on food.

Namibia has been carved by the forces of the nature. Highlights its great wealth mineral: diamonds, uranium, platinum, lead, zinc, silver, copper, tin, etc. Today the majority of Namibians are engaged in the sector agricultural, especially on farms with large livestock farms and other smaller farms.

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Namibia (May 2024)

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