The oldest monuments in the world

Although initially the term "monument”Was applied to statues, inscriptions or tombs erected in memory of a relevant event or a character, nowadays its use includes any construction that has artistic, archaeological, historical or similar value. Of all the monuments, the architectural ones that become symbols of the place where they are located stand out.

Today in Hard Hobbit To Break We want to talk to you about some of the oldest monuments in the world. For this, we are going to rely on Wikipedia's non-exhaustive list of some of the most representative monuments of the different cultures of the world. Of course, we warn you that there are other older buildings, although they may not be as relevant as the ones shown below. Would you like to join us?

Dolmen de Menga, Spain

The first monument they talk about in the Wikipedia list is the Dolmen de Menga, a megalithic monument declared a World Heritage Site and Site of Cultural Interest. Is found in Antequera, Malaga, and it is believed that it was built approximately in 3750-3650 before our era.

Egyptian pyramids

Next, we talk about some of the most important pyramids and monuments representative Egypt: Step Pyramid (XXVII century BC), Red Pyramid (XXVI century BC), Great Sphinx of Giza (XXVI century BC) and Great Pyramid of Giza (XXVI century BC) . C.). If you plan to visit this country soon, we recommend you take a look at our article “The pyramids that you must visit in Egypt”.

Stonehenge, England

We should also talk about Stonehenge, a monument megalithic cromlech type that was built in the late Neolithic, that is, around the 20th century B.C. It is located in the county of Wiltshire, in England, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is important to note that the purpose of construction is ignored, although there are different theories.

Ziggurat of Ur, Iraq

From England we move to Iraq to talk about the Ziggurat of Ur, which is located next to the ruins of the ancient city Sumerian de Ur. Elevated as a place of worship of the god Nanna, it has been rebuilt on different occasions. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Hatshepsut Temple, Egypt

We return to Egypt to tell you about the Temple of Hatsheput, which is located in Deir el-Bahari, a complex of funeral temples and graves located on the west bank of the Nile river, opposite the current Luxor. The temple, which was built in the XV century BC. C., is unique in its kind

Karnak Temples, Egypt

Near the Deir el-Bahari we find Karnak, a small town located on the eastern bank of the Nile River, next to Luxor. Here was the complex religious most important in Ancient Egypt.

Abu Simbel, Egypt

We continue in Egypt to tell you about Abu Simbel, a site of archaeological interest that is made up of temples Egyptians. Located in Nubia, in the south of the country, it is part of the Open Air Museum of Nubia and Aswan, which was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It seems that the temples were excavated from the rock in the 13th century BC. C.

Treasure of Atreus, Greece

We must also talk about the Treasury of Atreus, the most monumental vaulted tomb in Greece. It is located on the outskirts of Mycenae and usually dates back to the 13th century BC. C.

Choga Zanbil, Iran

In Iran we find Choga Zanbil, a complex Elamite It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Founded around 1250 a. C., this religious center was consecrated to the national god of Susa.

Petra, Jordan

Finally, we must talk about Petra, an important archaeological site in Jordan. It is a city excavated and sculpted in the stone. Find out more about this place in our article "What to see in Petra".

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The Oldest Buildings on Each Continent (May 2024)

  • Malaga, Petra, Pyramids of Egypt
  • 1,230