Socotra, one of the most exotic islands on the planet

Socotra Yemen
The world is full of amazing places, but unfortunately most of us don't have the time or the money to visit all of them. That is why, in Hard Hobbit To Break we make sure that you get to know some of the most surprising without having to leave the sofa. Today, for example, we move to the island of Socotra, a place that you may have never heard of but that is truly worth knowing.

This curious archipelago formed by four islands belongs to the Yemen Republic. Specifically, it is located in the south of the country, off the coast of the Horn of Africa. Do you want to discover what makes Socotra one of the most unique places on the planet? Well, you just have to join us!

A unique biodiversity

Due to its tropical desert climate and its isolated situation, Socotra has developed a biodiversity unique in the world, being able to find numerous endemic species. Specifically, here you can find 700 species that are not found anywhere else in the world. For this reason, this territory was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2008. Of course, we are referring to both plant and animal species, especially reptiles and birds.

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Dragon Blood Tree

Of all the endemic species of Socotra, the so-called "dragon's blood tree" stands out, whose scientific name is dracaena cinnabari. As you can see in the following photograph, it is a species of tree that has a shape similar to that of a umbrella. It can be found mainly in the mountains area. Its resin, which is red in color (hence the tree's nickname), has been used as a dye for thousands of years. It also highlights the dendrosicyios socotrana, also known as the cucumber tree.

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Spectacular scenery

Beyond the endemic flora and fauna, the landscapes that can be found in Socotra are truly amazing. On the one hand, we can see mountains full of trees; on the other, a completely deserted coast where we can find warm waters and crystalline. However, the population is far from the sea. And speaking of the coastline, its gigantic dunes and its caves full of bats surprise.

Socotra Yemen3

Organized in councils of elders

On the main island, which is 130 kilometers long and 35 kilometers wide, only about 50,000 inhabitants live, who organize themselves politically from councils of elders. Furthermore, the vast majority live without running water or electricity and they are dedicated to livestock, fishing and agriculture. Despite belonging to Yemen, the culture and traditions of Socotra have little to do with those of this country. In fact, the people of this archipelago are the result of the mixture of many towns located on the banks of the Indian Ocean. As for the physique, they resemble Hindus. Furthermore, due to their isolation, they have their own language.

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Travel to Socotra

Despite the fact that reaching Socotra is not very easy and that the tourist infrastructure is practically non-existent (there is only one road that runs through the island), many travelers come to this spectacular Yemeni archipelago every year. Many of them do it to discover the seabed of this place, which are tremendously rich. In fact, many expert divers consider the Socotra Sea one of the best in the world to dive. Of course, you should bear in mind that many countries advise against visiting Yemen due to its terrorist threat.
Then we leave you with our Gallery, where you will find more images of the island of Socotra. Do not miss it!

The Alien Beauty of Socotra Island (May 2024)

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