Space tourism is already a reality

Have you ever dreamed of travel to the space? If that has been your dream since you were little you have to know that you can already make it come true. There are some agencies of trips that already organize trips to space. Destinia or Virgin are some of those dedicated to space tourism. It is a new concept of travel that until recently was something unthinkable.

Now of course, if you are interested you can already tighten your belt and save. Since a trip to space can go out for a few 170.000 euros, or what is the same almost 30 million pesetas. It is not something that everyone can afford. But if you have a chance, it's a experience The only one that allows you to see the Earth from other perspectives, in a flight of about three hours.

The various companies engaged in this offer a wide variety of programs that cater for all tastes, and at reasonable prices to be a trip of these characteristics. Among this variety of programs, some of the most attractive could be mentioned: a week's stay on board the International Space Station, space flights suborbital where you can experience the weightlessness, flights at more than double the speed of sound or ascending to altitudes that triple Everest's.

Although our planet offers a wide variety of places to discover and visit, this is a unique experience that allows you to be where few people can be. Traveling to space is something that would never be forgotten. And although it now seems like a very expensive trip, over the years it will reduce its costs. It is possible that in about 20 years flying into space will be as accessible as buying a car.

Will Space Tourism Take Off? - BBC Click (May 2024)

  • space, space tourism
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