Must see views in Budapest

In Europe We have a lot of very interesting cities that are worth visiting, and although everyone has big capitals like Madrid, London, Paris or Berlin as their first options, the truth is that those that are not so famous also have a lot to offer. One of them is Budapest, the Hungarian capital and with a great variety of places of interest.

Budapest It is also one of the European cities with the most nightlife and a very young atmosphere, so if you are in that age bracket, the experience will be much more complete. Take note of the most important places of interest and what you should visit yes or yes during your trip to Budapest:

Bunker Hospital Museum

It is a museum that it's underground and that it was a bunker hospital during World War II. Many objects and artifacts from that era are preserved there, such as medical devices or food boxes. In each room there are mannequins that recreate what life was like there when the bunker was operational, and even at one point in the tour you have the possibility of activating an anti-nuclear alarm. Of course, it has a store where you can buy souvenirs of the most original.


It is the symbol of the city, the perfect place to start the route whatever the route is going to be. It is a 19th century building that houses inside the crown with which each king was crowned, which is guarded by several guardians who barely see them blink. Today it gives shelter to politicians when they have to decide the most important things in the nation.

Central Market

It was built in the late nineteenth century and is the largest, most famous and iconic market in the city. In the basement are the fish stalls, on the ground floor are those of fruits, sweets and cold meats, and on the top floor there are several restaurants to taste the best local products. A must eat there a Goulash, which is a meat stew with vegetables and paprika, a lot of paprika.

Thermal sources

Budapest was built on a fault from which emanate more than a hundred hot springs, which are visited by thousands of citizens and tourists, especially on weekends. The Szécheny spai is the one that houses the most spectacular hot springs, also having 15 indoor pools, Turkish baths, saunas and outdoor pools.

Communist Statues Park

During the communist era, dozens of statues flooded the streets of the city, and when that stage ended, instead of jumping they all concentrated in a park on the outskirts as a memory of an important part in the history of the city. There are statues of Lenin, Marx or Engels, military monuments of the Red Army and even a monument that reflects the names of several European cities, including some Spanish ones.

Caves of the Puelloölgyi

These caves are one of the most spectacular natural places in Budapest, and not only can you go caving in them, but you can also take a relaxing thermal bath. Have 120 kilometers long, so it is not a place suitable for claustrophobics or for those who get overwhelmed if they do not see sunlight from a long distance.

Cinema studios

Here it is Korda Filmpark, film studios that are very important not only in the history of Hungary but also throughout Europe. There are several sets of television series and movies that have been recorded there, such as Hellboy or «The Borgia». Plus, you can see exact reconstructions of a Brooklyn street or small town from the Italian Renaissance era. A wonder, especially for moviegoers.

Budapest city - Top 10 must-see attractions (May 2024)

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