Avatar Mountain

A city in the center of China It has changed the name of its main tourist attraction (a mountain) after the success of the movie Avatar in China. The majestic peak, located in the Hunan province, previously known by the names "Heaven and Earth Pillar" or "South Sky Pillar" has officially received the name of "Avatar Hallelujah Mountain". Do not think that it is a rumor or an action that has been taken by a group of followers of the film, it has been the government of the city of Zhangjiajie who has explained it in an official statement.

In the statement they explain how “their mountain” is the one that has inspired the floating mountain that can be seen in the incredible world of Avatar. A report by the local newspaper Xiaoxiang Morning provides a photograph showing the juxtaposition of the Montana with that of the film and explains how a photographer Hollywood He arrived in the area in December 2008 and spent 4 days in the area taking photos of the mountains.

The film has been highly successful in China. Two versions have been shown, 2D and 3D that have gone on to raise millions and millions of dollars. The 2D version was withdrawn last Friday as the government planned to release the patriotic biographical film «Confucius«. The 3D version is still on the bill.

The similarity of the mountain with that of the film can trigger a boom tourist like never before had lived in the area. The mountain is in the picturesque Wulingyuan area, which is famous for its stone pillars and was declared by the Unesco World Heritage Site in 1992.

"Avatar" Mountain & Wulingyuan Scenic Area, Zhangjiajie, China in 4K Ultra HD (May 2024)

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