Avoid theft during the holidays

Summer begins today and soon millions of people will leave holidays to be able to escape from work or studies to which they dedicate all their time the rest of the year. The bad thing about this time of year is that it is also when the most robberies occur, both in homes and in vacation spots, so you have to keep the subject under control so that you do not get upset and take your belongings.

Today I would like to give you a few tips for avoid theft during the holidays, specifically to avoid them in your vacation spot. Take note:

- Thieves pay a lot of attention to tourists to steal from them, so avoid looking like one and not attracting too much attention. They always go to tourists since they are usually the ones who carry the most money, so try to take little just in case.

- If you have one backpack be careful with all her pockets and with losing sight of her. Carry it if you can and never keep important or valuable things in easily accessible pockets. The money, documentation and valuables are always in the inside pockets so that they cannot be accessed, or at least not accessed without your noticing.

- We all love to wear the Photo camera hung to immortalize any corner, but it is not recommended to do it since it is a good claim for any thief, especially if it is a good camera. Never lose sight of her for a second.

- If you are going to stop use the mobile always do it leaning against a wall. This is recommended because while we are using the mobile we get confused about other things and it is easier to give the bag or backpack a tug, while on the wall it is more difficult for them to do so.

- Wear the fair money and the rest keep it in the hotel safe. The same for credit cards, take one at most and leave the others stored. If you are going to carry a lot of cash with you, don't carry everything in the same place. Buy yourself a belt from those interiors that have a pocket to store money and in the wallet leave only a little, so if they are stolen you will not lose everything.

- The back pockets You can't use your pants to carry your wallet or loose money, that's the easiest place for a thief to steal from you. Also, when you pay, keep everything in place and never open the wallet in the street as they will see where exactly you keep it.

- Before your trip make a copy of all your documentation to be able to use it in case your portfolio with the originals is stolen.

- Be careful with the people who come to you with any excuse like asking for the time, a cigarette, fire or an indication. Thieves often do this to entertain you while someone else opens your backpack or purse and steals from you.

Preventing package theft during the holidays (April 2024)

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