The hot springs of Santiago de Compostela

Galicia, in addition to being land of magnificent crops, and splendid beaches, in addition to possessing an extraordinary natural beauty, it is no less true that it is also the richest Spanish community in thermal waters, and its spas have always enjoyed a well-known fame. In some villages you are thermal sources They are free, they do not belong to any spa and there people come from very diverse places who cannot afford the luxury of curing their ills in hot springs and can be seen walking covered with blankets: they are the bathers, the ones who take their baths.

The Roman footprints of the thermal baths of Lugo and the Burgas de Ourense. Very close to Santiago de Compostela, on the way to Vigo, is the Anxel Spa, in Anxelles-Brion, with sulphurous waters. Indicated for the treatment of the respiratory tract, rheumatism also in dermatology. In Caldes do Reis there are two spas.

Both with the same characteristics: they are from saline waters and the temperature is 48º C; And, like the one of Anxelles, it is prescribed for airways, rheumatism and skin treatment. The Acuña Spa it is installed in an old building and surrounded by romantic gardens; the Davila Spa is less luxurious and, economically, more affordable.

Very close to these, in an old palatial castle full of charm is that of Cuntis, called Balneario de la Virgen; sometimes, it is difficult to make a decision in favor of one place or another, if we want to spend a season to perform a cure, but if we can, since we are within walking distance, take the opportunity to take a walk through its parks and even dine in one of them to experience the evocative atmosphere of another era. Also in Catoira There are excellent sulphurous waters to relieve rheumatism and skin diseases.

top 5 things to do when you finish the camino The Hot Sporings in Ourense (April 2024)

  • Santiago de Compostela
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