How to claim your compensation for canceled, delayed or overbooked flights

There are many of you who write to us every month asking about the compensation to which any passenger is entitled for a canceled, delayed or overbooked flight. The most normal thing is that we do not have much information about it and that makes us go a bit lost. In addition, we also do not usually have too much time to claim said compensation because a series of procedures have to be completed that are not always quick.

Fortunately, you can always leave the case to experts like Flightright, which is number one in Europe for having achieved more than 150 million euros in compensation.

How does Flightright work?

To start a claim through its website you will have to provide the your flight details (the number and the date). That helps them to calculate for free and in a moment the chances you have of being compensated.

Its experts work to defend your rights and get the compensation that belongs to you according to the European Regulation, which establishes that passengers affected by canceled, delayed or overbooked flights can request compensation that varies between 250 and 600 euros if certain requirements are met and the airline is responsible.


You will only pay if you are compensated

If they get the airline to pay the compensation, the amount will be transferred to you immediately, withholding 27% plus VAT, which is the success commission They charge all passengers who are compensated. Of course, keep in mind that they will not charge you anything if they do not manage to compensate you, so the economic risk you run is nil.

When visiting the Flightright website you can access a compensation calculator very useful, in addition to knowing what your rights are and solving your doubts in a section of frequently asked questions that is usually enough to make everything clear. If for whatever reason you still have a question, you can always call or write to them.

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