Tips for eating at the world's mobile stalls

What is a travel Ho Chi Minh, without a steaming bowl of pho eaten on the sidewalk, while people don't even look at you? Or a walk through Mexico City without a stop for tacos served on top of a wheeled cart? For lovers of local cuisine, eating on the street is a way to explore delicious foods, many of which are not available in the restaurants.

These foods They are prepared by dedicated specialists who have a simple street stall. Of course, this has some risk than another. In the United States, 70 million Americans travel abroad each year, and approximately 46% report varying degrees of disease for food or water. The US Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, in fact, they advise against consuming food on the streets of developing countries.

It is important to use a little common sense and carefully select where peddler you want to eat. It is important that you ask the locals. In a busy market, you can often tell if a stall is trust or not. Always look for positions where you see a variety of people, that is: workers, policemen, etc.

Know the hours of local food. If they eat at certain times it is clear that if you go to others the food will be less fresh. You should always be aware of cleaning issues. Check that the preparation surfaces are clean, cold foods are kept on ice, and raw foods are stored separately from cooked foods. Remember to bring your own Utensils of food. There is no way to tell if the chopsticks or forks have been washed before or not.

How To Start Mobile Catering UK. - Tips Advice and Information (May 2024)

  • roadside stands
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