Indra Jatra Festival in Kathmandu

IndraHe was the ancient god of rain, he was captured in the Kathmandu valley, while he was picking up a certain flower that his mother, the goddess Dagini, had asked him for. Indra was imprisoned until his identity was revealed and his captors immediately released him. In gratitude for the release of her son, the goddess Dagini She promised all the villagers that from then on she would take care of the irrigation of their crops and that all the recently deceased would be taken to heaven. From that day on, the Indra Jatra festival is celebrated.

The Indra Jatra festival focuses on honors for the most recent dead and the two gods. During the first day of the festival sacrifice roosters and goats in order to dye the streets red. The festival begins to prepare several days before.

The previous days are dedicated, above all, to cleaning the cars of gold that will tour the city. The streets are filled with actors who interpret different fables and legends that allow them to praise their beloved gods. One of the most anticipated moments is when the cars pass in front of the balcony of the old palace from the president and they stop to say hello.

The procession continues from Durbar Square towards Hanuman Dhoka as they stop in front of the impressive mask of the city known as Bhairab hedge. They greet the mask and then, with a strong musical accompaniment, beer begins to take center stage. If you can get a sip of beer tradition says you will get very lucky. Although much luckier will be those who drink the fish that are introduced inside.

Indra Jatra Festival | Indra Jatra 2075/2018 | Indra Jatra in Kathmandu Nepal (May 2024)

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