Fun facts about Scotland

You passionate Scotland and you have decided to spend a few days in the area but do you know some curiosities? Today we tell you some things that make Scotland a very special place:

- Scotland is believed to be a completely separate land mass from England. They apparently collided more than a million years ago and have been "stuck" ever since. Their geological compositions are completely different.

- According to the 1909 census, the Scots were the highest in Europe. However, due to World War I, the average height of men in Scotland fell 9 inches in 1930.

Scotland lost the highest number of soldiers per capita in World War I

- It is a dominant country Protestant.

- As Scotland is part of the United Kingdom, the head of state in Scotland is the monarch of the United Kingdom, who is Queen Elizabeth II. In July 1999, Queen Elizabeth II inaugurated Scotland's first parliament in 300 years. Parliament is responsible for health services, social services, and local government services.

- The English It is the official language and only 1.5% of the entire population speaks Scottish Gaelic.

- The official animal is the Unicorn.

- The flag It has the Cross of Saint Andrew on a white background. Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland.

- The population in June 2006 it was 5,200,000 people

- In spite of Edinburgh It is the capital of Scotland, it is not the largest city. Scotland's largest city is Glasgow.

Fun Facts about Scotland – Informative Top 7 Video for Kids (April 2024)

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