The Seven Giants, some amazing rock formations in Russia

The Seven Giants Ural Mountains
If you are a follower of Hard Hobbit To Break You may have already noticed that the world is full of amazing corners. However, many of them are unknown to the vast majority of the population. For this reason, we like to approach those places that, made by the hand of man or by Mother Nature, are unique in the world.

Among these amazing corners we find The Seven Giants, impressive rock formations located in a remote place in the Komi Republic, on the northern plains of the Ural Mountains. Do you want to know this mysterious corner? Well, you just have to join us!

The formations

As you may have imagined by the name, Los Siete Gigantes are seven large rock formations that stand out for their amazing shapes and for being located in an inhospitable landscape. And is that these huge rocks, some narrower at the base than at the peak, are in the middle of the steppe, away from mountains. As you can see in the images, six of them are grouped, but one is located a little apart. Named by the locals as Man-Pupu-Nyor, which in mansi, the indigenous language, means "small mountain of the gods", they measure between 30 and 42 meters.

The Seven Giants Ural Mountains1

The origin

It seems that the origin of The Seven Giants dates back to 200 or 300 million years ago, when there was a mountain in this steppe. With the passing of millennia the erosion caused by rain water, wind, changing temperatures and other types of meteorological phenomena, made the surface of this mountain wear away until it gave way to these seven rock formations.

Limited access

As we have mentioned, the Seven Giants are located in a remote place, so to reach them it is necessary to go by helicopter or snowmobile. Of course, expert hikers will also be able to reach this place. And it is that the closest population is located about 200 kilometers. Of course, because they are increasingly known, it has been limited the access. Thus, it can only be accessed by obtaining special permission and for a short period of time. It is a way of protecting the environment from tourism that, as you know, throughout history has wreaked havoc in specular places. As a curiosity, impossible to climb rocks were believed for a long time, but through the Red Bull 7 Giants project Stefan Glowacz managed to reach the top of one of them.

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The legend

As you know, in Hard Hobbit To Break we like to echo the legends that revolve around the corners that we show you. And considering how rare these formations are, it's no wonder that all sorts of fables have arisen over the centuries that explain their formation. One of the most widespread explains that a shaman launched a curse six giants who wanted to cross the mountain range, although unfortunately he also fell victim to the enchantment, which explains why one of the rocks is further away from the others.

Ural mountains

We want to end by talking a little about the Ural Mountains, a mountain chain considered as the natural border between Asia and Europe, although there really is no real division in terms of language, ethnicity, climate or history. Spanning from Russia to Kazakhstan, it has more than 2,500 kilometers and a maximum height of 1,895 meters. As, you see, it is a fairly high mountain range.

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Then we leave you with our Gallery, where we offer you more images of The Seven Giants. Do not miss it!

Manpupuner: The Mythical Giants (April 2024)

  • Ural mountains
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